FPT Mạng cá cược bóng đá pilots in designing learning materials approaching to CDIO Standards in FPT Education

18:56 29/05/2016

In order to design the curriculum to proceed from and meet the demands of enterprise, FPT Mạng cá cược bóng đá invited experts from enterprises to participate in designing and developing course learning materials especially specialized courses. So as to design the curriculum approaching to CDIO standards, Curriculum Development Department organized the training workshop on May 28, 2016.

Since 2016, FPT Mạng cá cược bóng đá has applied CDIO standards to implement two new professions: E-Commerce – Digital & Online Marketing and Public Relationship – PR & Event Management.

CDIO is the abbreviation of Conceive – Design – Implement – Operate. It was born to reduce the gap between universities and enterprises, and to reflect learning principles such as learning by doing and project-based learning. CDIO has broken traditional teaching methods, introduced the project as a tool, and set up from researching to operating as a life cycle.

Learning through the curriculum that was designed by approaching to CDIO standards, students could deeply understand knowledge by solving problem, fully reflect professional and positional features, and apply them in higher academic levels in the future. Besides attaining the theory, students also have the ability to participate in practical projects as well as cope with the continuous changes of the actual jobs.

In order to design curriculum to proceed from and meet the demands of enterprise, FPT Mạng cá cược bóng đá organized the training workshop for experts and entrepreneurs that focused on designing learning materials approaching to CDIO on May 28, 2016.

In an attempt to help Curriculum Development staffs, experts, and enterprises comprehend more about FPT Mạng cá cược bóng đá ’s philosophy, ways, and methods of designing lessons approaching to the CDIO standards, FPT Mạng cá cược bóng đá organized the training workshop on May 28, 2016.

Participants of the training workshop included Ms. Ho Thi Thao Nguyen – Curriculum Specialist of FEHO Academic Department, Ms. Bui Thu Trang – Vice Manager of FPT Mạng cá cược bóng đá Curriculum Development Office, Ms. Nguyen Thi Hue – FPT School of Business’s PR Manager, Ms. Nguyen Phuong Thanh – Digital Marketing Executive at Diana Unicharm JSC, Mr. Nguyen Viet Phuong, The Manager of Customer Relationship and Internal Training Office at G8 High Technology Construction And Investment SJC, some businesses’ representatives, and FPT Mạng cá cược bóng đá ’s Curriculum Development Department staffs.

At the beginning of the training workshop, Ms. Bui Thu Trang – Vice Manager of FPT Mạng cá cược bóng đá Curriculum Development Office expressed her sincere appreciation to the experts and entrepreneurs spent their time on the training workshop.

Simultaneously, Ms. Trang affirmed the huge roles of experts and enterprises in designing learning materials approaching to CDIO: “In accordance with CDIO standards, designing curriculum needs to proceed from and meet the demands of enterprise. Learning materials designed by enterprises would come into details and provide necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes for students to meet the requirements of enterprises.

Within the training workshop, staffs of Curriculum Development Department introduced to experts and entreprises about CDIO standards and methods of designing lesson plans and learning materials approaching to these standards.

After that, Ms. Ho Thi Thao Nguyen – Curriculum Specialist of FEHO Academic Department shared about 12 CDIO standards, applications of Bloom taxonomy, IBSTPI and Gagné model in drafting lessons’ learning outcomes, teaching techniques, lesson plans, the rating scale, and other requirements for designing learning materials referred to CDIO standards.

She said: “FPT Mạng cá cược bóng đá has piloted in designing learning materials approaching to CDIO Standards in FPT Education. These curricula approaching to CDIO will help FPT Mạng cá cược bóng đá ’s students not only gain a lot of fundamental knowledge, but also are equipped professional and soft skills to respond to demands of enterprises.

Continuing the training workshop, Ms. Nguyen Thi Xuan Quynh – Curriculum Development Office staff guided experts how to record online lectures, Assignments, and Progress tests to evaluate students’ performance aligning with course learning outcomes.

Within the training workshop, experts and entrepreneurs shared and commented about  FPT Mạng cá cược bóng đá ’s curricula.

Highly appreciated FPT Mạng cá cược bóng đá ’s efforts to improve its curricula, Ms. Nguyen Phuong Thanh – Digital Marketing official at Diana Unicharm JSC said: “Inviting experts and entrepreneurs to participate in design learning materials is a good idea. This expresses constantly innovative and advanced thoughts of the school in order to provide practical and essential knowledge to students.

As a recruiter, I have noticed that students normally present macroscopic and unrealistic viewpoints, so if they are employed, enterprises will have taken time re-train them. I am highly appreciated your teaching methods and curricula because they will help students get used to with real work in campuses, immediately adapt to their jobs, and increase opportunities to be promoted in their careers after their graduation.

In the training workshop, Curriculum Development Office answered questions of experts and representatives of enterprises about standards and methods of designing lectures as well as received their comments and feedback to improve curricula. It is known that FPT Mạng cá cược bóng đá ’s Academic and Curriculum Development Department will organize a CDIO Training Workshop about Implementing CDIO approach for faculties and staffs at its Ho Chi Minh Campus in the near future.

Since 2016, FPT Mạng cá cược bóng đá has educated two new professions: E-Commerce – Digital & Online Marketing and Public Relationship – PR & Event Management. Before the training workshop for experts from enterprises about designing learning materials approaching to CDIO standards on May 28, 2016, FPT Mạng cá cược bóng đá had invited reputational experts and entrepreneurs to become the member of Review and Evaluation Committee to feedback on its programs on April 19, 2016.

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