FPT Mạng cá cược bóng đá provided chances to implement practical projects at enterprises for faculties

18:43 01/12/2016

On October 31, 2016 FPT Mạng cá cược bóng đá has organized the workshop about: “Designing and approaching learning materials to CDIO standards” for its faculties about designing curriculum, implementing lectures, lesson plan, and assignment to attain the CDIO’s learning outcomes and to improve teaching competence and quality.

Participants of the workshop included Mr. Huynh Van Bay – Director of Ho Chi Minh Campus doubles as FPT Mạng cá cược bóng đá Head of Academic Department, Mr. La Ngoc Quang – Director of FPT Mạng cá cược bóng đá ’ Hanoi Campus, Ms. Ho Thi Thao Nguyen – a representative of FPT Education’s Curriculum Development Department doubles as Vice Director of CDIO project, Ms. Bui Thu Trang – Vice Manager of FPT Mạng cá cược bóng đá Curriculum Development Department, and a lot of FPT Mạng cá cược bóng đá ’s staffs and faculties.

Staffs and faculties of FPT Mạng cá cược bóng đá ’s Hanoi Campus participated in valuable workshop about “Designing and approaching learning materials to CDIO standards” on October 31, 2016

At the beginning of the workshop, Mr. Huynh Van Bay shared some information about CDIO and the process of implementing CDIO project at FPT Mạng cá cược bóng đá to its staffs and faculties at Hanoi Campus. Thereby, he said that the implementation is right-oriented and met determined objectives: “Instead of improving teaching quality as other university, FPT Mạng cá cược bóng đá mainly focuses on educating students to meet demands of enterprises with POLYTECH values including: Personal and Professional skills, Thinking and Innovation, Communication and Team-work, Profession knowledge and reasoning, Ethics values, Lifelong learning, etc.

In his opinion: “Training learning skills and working attitudes for students would be implemented for every lesson and session by their lecturer’s teaching methods rather than these skills would be simply educated through specified courses.

After Mr. Bay’s presentation, Ms. Ho Thi Thao Nguyen shared to FPT Mạng cá cược bóng đá faculties about learning outcomes, teaching techniques, and educational assessments in accordance with CDIO standards. She said: ” For learning outcomes, we need use Bloom taxonomy to measure required students’ knowledge, skills, and attitude after they finish the lessons. She also mentioned 11 IBSTPI’s teaching technique. Finally, Gagné model is the foundation that a curriculum development specialist could apply to design lesson plans and lecture notes.”

Ms. Thao Nguyen, who is a engaged and enthusiastic person with CDIO, understands thoroughly about designing learning outcomes in accordance with Bloom taxonomy, IBSTPI’s learning technique, assessment methods as well as Gagne model that faculties could apply to design the course syllabus responding to the learning outcomes.

It was not only a workshop of unilaterally providing knowledge and information but also an open discussion forum where lecturers and curriculum development staffs to interact about the issues related to apply CDIO in education, methods to improve learning and teaching quality as well as overall educational quality of the school.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Trang – Faculty of Fundamental courses said: “The workshop provided a lot of meaningful and useful knowledge. Therefore, I can know more about FPT Mạng cá cược bóng đá ’s journey towards CDIO standards, and specifically and comprehensively understand the methods of designing and organizing lessons to meet the learning outcomes of enterprises. FPT Mạng cá cược bóng đá ’s education orientation and bright future have made me feel excited and given some new motivation for my jobs in general as well as for my teaching in particular

Mr. Bay also shared about short and long-term plans of FPT Mạng cá cược bóng đá : “Recent goals of FPT Mạng cá cược bóng đá are to become an official member of the CDIO Association after presenting and defending in front of The CDIO Board at CDIO Regional Meeting in Thailand on 15th March 2017, accompanying with desire to present reports at domestic and international conferences. In the long-term, FPT Mạng cá cược bóng đá will apply CDIO in its all professions to improve the educational quality, meet the requirements of employers and society, cooperate with CDIO members on common issues, and focus on accreditation to become a high quality vocational college in Vietnam in 2018 and achieve all criteria of Asian Vocational accreditation in 2020.”

It is known to help faculties update education-related information and gain real experience to share with students, FPT Mạng cá cược bóng đá will provide chances to implement practical projects at enterprises for faculties or will establish the professional workshops at their campuses in the near future.

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