FPT Mạng cá cược bóng đá has applied CDIO standards since Fall Semester 2016

19:11 26/08/2016

FPT Mạng cá cược bóng đá organized “Training Workshop about Designing Learning Materials Approaching to CDIO Standards” on August 26 at Ho Chi Minh Campus, 778/B1, Nguyen Kiem Street, Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City.

The purpose of this training workshop is to clarify concepts of CDIO and methods of designing course syllabi and learning materials approaching to CDIO standards in comparison with normal course syllabi.

Participants of the workshop included Mr. Huynh Van Bay – FPT Mạng cá cược bóng đá Head of Academic Department doubles as Director of CDIO Project, Mr. Ton That Nhat Khanh – FPT Mạng cá cược bóng đá – Director of Ho Chi Minh Campus, Ms. Ho Thi Thao Nguyen – a representative of FPT Education’s Curriculum Development Department doubles as Vice Director of CDIO Project, Ms. Bui Thu Trang – Vice Manager of Curriculum Development Department, and more than 60 FPT Mạng cá cược bóng đá ’s staffs and faculties.

At the beginning of the training workshop, Mr. Huynh Van Bay shared to FPT Mạng cá cược bóng đá faculties about CDIO concepts, including: “CDIO is not a system of program assessment and accreditation. It is a toolkit which can be applied in designing curriculum, improving and ensuring a continuous improvement of teaching and learning quality.”

The training workshop offered an opportunity to address and resolve issues related to teaching and learning leading to improve the teaching and learning quality at FPT Mạng cá cược bóng đá .

Besides, Mr. Bay also concerned about the current situation of educating skills following the model of “Fulfill what is missing” and emphasized: “Whenever educational institutions notice that their students lack any skills, they will educate these one to fill the gap. It is not appropriate.” It is necessary to integrate essentials skills into the original curriculum in order to help students to self-acquire and improve the series of skills throughout their studying period at schools.

Simultaneously, in comparison with knowledge and skills, attitudes have not been paid attention to when educating students appropriately. Mr. Bay shared: “Attitude assessment is a process. A curriculum not only provides knowledge and essential skills but also aims to student attitude’s cultivation and self-improvement. Every lecturer should have their own teaching and evaluation methods; and then FPT Mạng cá cược bóng đá ’s faculties will organize more intensive discussions on how to educate students to get good attitudes after they complete their programs”.

At the noon and the afternoon sessions of the meeting, Ms. Ho Thi Thao Nguyen mentioned the differences among designing learning materials approaching to CDIO and other common designing methods. There are 4 considerate differences, including:

  1. Designing curriculum approaching to CDIO will start at Level 3 of program learning outcomes equivalent to course objectives and breaking the course objectives into the course outcomes;
  2. Applying Bloom’s Taxonomy (Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes) to create the course outcomes;
  3. Distributing the course outcomes for equivalent lessons and determining the status of learning outcomes: I (Introduce), T (Teach), U (Utilize);
  4. Basing on I-T-U statuses of learning outcomes to determine teaching techniques that help students achieve course learning outcomes and at the same time select assess techniques to identify whether students have achieved learning outcomes or not after completing the courses.
The Gagne model – One of the tools to design lesson plans approaching to CDIO.

Ms. Ho Thi Thao Nguyen, who is a engaged and enthusiastic person with CDIO, understands thoroughly about designing learning outcomes in accordance with Bloom’s Taxonomy, IBSTPI, and the Gagne model that faculties could apply to design learning materials. From her presentation, FPT Mạng cá cược bóng đá ’s faculties has a better and deeper understanding of 6 levels of the Bloom’s Taxonomy (Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, and Creating), 11 teaching techniques of IBSTPI, and designing lesson plans with the Gagne model including 9 stages. Curriculum Development’s experts also apply this model in designing lesson plans and in class lectures

In addition, the CDIO team also improved designing and evaluating the assignment through 3 specific assessment rubrics as following: 1. Products Evaluation Rubric, 2. Reports Evaluation Rubric, and 3. Presentations Evaluation Rubric.

The training workshop not only focuses on the concepts and application of CDIO but also was an opportunity for faculties to discuss more about some issues related to the Blended Learning (integrated learning) or CDIO application in the next time, online learning can reflect students’ actual competence and attitudes, integrating attitudes into in the curriculum to help students to obtain the best attitudes after their graduation, suggesting interactions between faculties and students, etc.

FPT Mạng cá cược bóng đá is an piloting member of FPT Education. It usually updates and applies many advanced learning methods so that students can apply what they have been educated after their graduation. CDIO has been estimated to apply since Fall Semester 2016 with the new profession of Public Relations – PR & Event Management at FPT Mạng cá cược bóng đá .

Ms. Ho Thi Thao Nguyen said: “Whenever CDIO are methodically and systematically applied, FPT Mạng cá cược bóng đá will become one of the first three colleges in the world that apply CDIO standards in teaching and improving teaching quality. We are ready to complete the CDIO application forms, present and defend in front of The CDIO Board of Members at CDIO Regional Meeting 2017 in Thailand from 12th to 15th March 2017.”

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